812's Length: 13mm, Width: 35mm
820's Length: 13mm, Width: 35mm
823's Length: 11mm, Width: 35mm
828's Length: 12mm, Width: 35mm
829's Length: 13mm, Width: 35mm
832's Length: 14mm, Width: 35mm
846's Length: 13mm, Width: 35mm
861's Length: 11mm, Width: 35mm
862's Length: 13mm, Width: 35mm
Series 1 is launched. =)
For individual, 1 pair will be $1.80.
For a box of 10s (Pure), it will be $14.90. -> 17.2% discount!
For a box of 10s (Mixed up to 5 pairs), it will be $16. -> 11% discount!
Kindly email to ladyathenlea@gmail.com for any enquries or order placing.